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prachee javiya

ux designer.

Former programmer turned designer and UX researcher, passionate about accessibility and inclusive design. My journey in tech has evolved from coding to focusing on creating user-centric designs that cater to diverse needs.


a User Experience Researcher @ Dominicanos USA, Inc.

driven by

tech for social good, empathy & impactful designs

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The Letterboxd Website was revamped, encompassing the entire design journey, from the creation of a new Brand Identity logo to the development of a high-fidelity prototype.

Rebranding // User Interface // Wireframing


UX Case study to develop an online eductational portal from low to high-fidelity prototypes.

Ed tech // Market Survey // Design

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Gravity Sketch

The goal was to identify the challenges participants encountered while using a 3D VR modeling application.

Virtual Reality // User Study // Evaluation

Threads & Beads


scalable and effective solution that met the organization's requirements was successfully developed. A digital solution was designed to replace the manual paper-based methods for data capture.

System Design // UI Design // Business

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User study was conducted, competitive analysis was performed, and Usability Action Reports for were created. Cognitive walkthroughs were also conducted, informing the development of the redesigned pages.

User testing // Redesign // Competitive Analysis

Haptic Gloves

Inspired by the book Ready Player One, this project delves into the entire process of prototyping and developing haptic gloves for various applications.

VR Prototyping // Storyboarding // Visualizations

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Have an idea?
Let's Talk.

New York, NY, 10005

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