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I have written 3 papers as coursework projects at UMBC and have published 2 papers at International Conferences.

01. PeerConnect: Co-Designing a Peer-Mentoring Support System with Computing Transfer Students

This study contributes to HCI and CSCW work in designing support systems for mentoring and peer support programs in educational settings and to the emerging literature on student-centered learning analytics systems.

02. Parsing Post-Deployment Students’ Feedback: Towards a Student-Centered Intelligent Monitoring System to Support Self-Regulated Learning

This study contributes to the growing body of work in hearing and understanding students’ genuine voices and the sparse literature of large-scale qualitative analysis of students’ feedback during the post-deployment phase on student-facing data-driven monitoring systems in an ecologically valid context in higher education.

Published at Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference, Recife Brazil 2024.

03. Comparing Levels of Social Anxiety in VR vs in-person

This paper explores the emotional responses of individuals with moderate social anxiety in both in-person and virtual reality (VR) settings to determine VR's efficacy as a therapeutic tool. With the increasing prevalence of social anxiety, particularly post-COVID-19 due to heightened social isolation, innovative interventions are necessary. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, we compared physiological responses in a VR environment. This research contributes to understanding VR's role in managing social anxiety and proposes directions for future research to enhance the realism and therapeutic potential of VR experiences.

this is my favourite one.....

04. Efficacy of VR in Exposure Therapy

The paper reviews the application of Virtual Reality (VR) in exposure therapy, exploring its benefits and challenges in treating anxiety disorders and phobias. It discusses VR's ability to create safe, realistic therapeutic environments, offering advantages over traditional methods like enhanced engagement and customization. The paper identifies potential limitations and suggests further research for standardized protocols and best practices in VR-based exposure therapy.

05. Accessible User Manuals for Older Adults

The paper addresses the challenge of the digital divide affecting older adults, focusing on wearable technology. It explores the reasons behind the low adoption and high abandonment rates of these devices by the elderly, primarily due to complex interfaces and loss of motivation. The study proposes standardized guidelines for senior-friendly user manuals, emphasizing accessibility and simplicity, and presents a prototype manual for a health watch to demonstrate these principles.

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