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This project involved prototyping and developing Haptic Gloves, inspired by the book "Ready Player One." It focuses on how these gloves could be utilized in various scenarios. A key aspect of the project is to understand the user to gather essential needs and requirements for the gloves' design and functionality.


Project Lead


Jan - May 2023


User Research

Empathy Mapping


Story Design

UI Prototyping



Meta Quest 2





The purpose of this project is to create a prototype of haptic gloves, which are designed to provide a tactile sensation to the wearer's hands. These gloves could have various applications, such as enhancing virtual reality experiences or enabling remote manipulation of objects. This device is inspired by the book, Ready Player One by Steven Spielberg. 

Methods used during this project

Methods utilized to complete the development of the haptic gloves wearable device, which involved: 


  1. Gathering user data

  2. Utilizing visualization techniques like Empathy maps, hierarchical task analysis, and Extraordinaire cards

  3. Exploring alternative solutions through brainstorming and role storming techniques

  4. Creating low and mid prototypes.

01. What are Haptic Gloves?

Haptic gloves are wearable devices designed to simulate the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user's hands. They are often used in conjunction with virtual reality (VR) systems to enhance the immersive experience by allowing users to feel and interact with virtual objects as if they were real.

Fig 1 Close up of haptic gloves with wires for  kinesthetic and tactile feedback(left), Fig 2. A person wearing VR headset synced with the haptic gloves to work on the objects in the virtual world(right).  Images were generated using 

02. Project Phases

View detailed descriptions of the project below. 

01. DATA

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The design exercise in class offered me a new outlook on the design process, allowing me to have more creative freedom and enjoyment. Although I had difficulty understanding the process initially, it became clearer as the classes progressed. By selecting a device from a movie or book, I had a basis for building the device, and the show provided all the necessary user information, making it a valuable resource. I had one user in two different contexts, providing a broader range of tasks. The empathy map and extraordinary cards helped me understand the user's motivations, needs, and behaviors, allowing me to redesign the device to improve the user experience and include new features for potential users.


Brainstorming helped me visualize different ways to create the device, and I found the low-fidelity prototype the most enjoyable as it was easy to create and allowed for greater creativity. I made multiple screens and received feedback from classmates, but I found this type of prototype less useful for gathering information. I decided to move on to the medium-fidelity prototype, which proved effective in gathering user feedback. I used a pastel color palette to create a more relaxed and enjoyable experience for the user and focused on organizing the information and improving alignment to make navigation easier. While there is still room for improvement, I found the medium-fidelity prototype to be a helpful tool for gathering user feedback.

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