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In this HCI project, I led a team of four and was responsible for creating high-fidelity mockups with prototyping. My role also included ensuring effective communication of project goals and updates among team members, as well as delegating work to ensure efficient project progress.


UI Designer


Jan - May 2021



Color Theory


Market Research




The global pandemic necessitated a shift for both students and educators worldwide towards familiarizing themselves with digital learning environments. In this new educational landscape, students are required to assimilate learning methods that facilitate remote material delivery, while educators must adeptly provide instruction through digital mediums.


Capitalizing on this pivotal moment, this project focuses on developing an E-learning application grounded in robust HCI principles, designed to universally enhance the educational experience in this increasingly online world.


Market Survey

What other online educational platforms are in the market?

  • Consistent UI/UX design.

  • Sitemap at the bottom provides better user guidance.

  • Dashboard feel helps users navigate and track progress.

  • Lacks a dark theme feature.

  • Student-friendly UI, loved by both students and instructors.

  • Clear and visually enhancing font and theme.

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of available videos and courses.

  • Too much information and visuals can be overwhelming.

  • Consistent yet balanced design principles are needed.

  • Simple UI/UX interaction design.

  • Interactive design that engages users.

  • Lacks domain showcasing on the landing page.

  • No dark theme option, which may be preferred by some users.

Scenario Descriptions

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Designers need to understand their users if they want to make products that people will use. By understanding them, you can help create solutions that help them achieve their goals. A user scenario should cover all their bases and validate every move users make in the product.

When will the users use this product?

Hierarchical Task Analysis

What is the flow of control?

2. Explore Page

1. Profile Page

3. Adding Course 

Possible problems in real-life implementation & Proposed solutions

Privacy concerns

Many colleges and universities are worried about their students’ data and privacy. Somehow, they believe that the integration of technology at the school/district level will compromise the integrity of student data and pose serious concerns.
To overcome the challenge Awareness is the key. It is essential for the team to demonstrate that our technologies are completely safe and secure. Help them understand that crucial data will not be lost anywhere in the process. Instead, educators will be able to harness the power of data by using analytics and thus, make better-informed decisions.

Payment Portal Integration

Integrating the payment portal with the application is quiet a difficult job on the back-end side of the app.It should be secure and all the payment methods should be available in case if user cannot pay via one, he/she can pay via any other method.Moreover, API integration is needed in case of payment portals. Implementing it from scratch is a tedious as well as a difficult task.


Testing an app is a crucial procedure, as no application can be released without thorough testing all of its features and navigation.
We must also test the functionality of the application with various internet speeds as people have different internet bandwidth so we have to make sure that content is delivered efficiently.
The application had to be tested when there are a lot of users joining in at the same time. The application should be able to withstand the load and not crash as that would bring down the entire server and no one would then be willing to use the platform.


Have an idea?
Let's Talk.



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